Fee Receipt Period Plans

This is the receipt plan of school in which student has to deposit his fee. It would be Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly etc.

  1. Choose financial year to create fee receipt plan
  2. Enter start date and end date of financial year normally it is from 01-04-yyyy to 31-03-yyyy you may use according to your school but we advised you kindly use standard date according to financial year because BELL has pre-admission facility when your admission start in Dec.Jan. or Feb. Mar.
  3. Now enter starting date of fee receipt
  4. Enter grace days for late fee, last date submission of fee according to grace days.
  5. Now select Period Type, e.g. monthly, quarterly etc. All periods with start date, end date will automatically generated.
  6. After all above customization BELL provide more flexibility to customize display and last date. You just double click or press enter on desired cell and type text according to your school criteria.
  7. You can also create plan for next year by choosing "financial year from session" for pre-admission in next year.

Note:-  Period plan cannot be changed if any fee receipt has received. To modify period plan all fee receipts must be deleted from 'Fee Receipt' form.

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