This Menu has Following Reports
Prospectus Sale Register
- Use filter (if required) click on OK button to display all sold prospectus with total amount.
Gates Pass Register
- Enter date range and click on OK button to display Gate Pass register.
- It will show all entries of early going children
Enquiry Register
- This Report used to display all Enquires made on reception
Call Register
- This is the report to show all records of made calls by you.
List of Pending Documents
- In admission form students are supposed to submit documents but if student do not submit document
- This report used to display all Pending Documents of students.
Route Map
- Select school, choose trip (evening, morning) or both for display route map of transportation with all details.
Telephone Diary
- This report use to display of Telephone Directory.
- This report use to see attendance register of school
- Select class and month then press OK button.
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write eBooks for the Kindle