Other Detail
If you want to enter more information about student then click on “Other Detail” button
Fill extra info about student like admitted in class, date, mailing address,bank detail, adhar card no. etc. and all about Health.
You can browse photo of student or direct shoot from web-cam.
More information
Click on more information button to enter aadhaar card no. of student, and his parents. This information some time required to send government departments.
Click on “Guardian” button to enter guardian detail of student with his photo it is just look like “more” info
Parents photo, guardian photo and information is helpful in 'Gate Pass'.
To add documents details of student click on “Document” button. These are documents which student has to deposit with school. If a student do not Provide it there is an option
to remind user for the pending documents
Type document name then choose yes /no from received columns if you choose yes then give path scanned copy of related document, if you choose no then enter reminder
date when student commit to submit that document. When you start software on reminder date then these documents auto displayed on screen. User can also see these
reminders any time.
Academic Detail
Click on “Previous Academic Detail” button to enter detail
Enter year of passing class , name of school, roll. Etc.. When you press enter after entering subject then Grid Automatically creates new line
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