Fee Structure
Fee Structure
- Choose student type like ['Existing Student' or 'New Admission'] by clicking for applying fee criteria
- Choose fee Category like General, Brother/Sister, Staff Child or any other defined standard concessional fee category.
- Tick transportation and select route code if applicable. (Press F1 button to create new route)
- Upper right side you can see your not planned fee heads, from here you can apply not planned fee by double clicking under yes/no
- Now user can see applied fee by different fee head.
- User can see all fee details by double clicking on fee head , if he wants to change the amount of the fees according to the period, then he can also change the fee by double clicking on fee amount.
- Under the total fee collection user can see how much fee will be deposit by student.
- User can also manage transportation fee from here eg. if student want to stop or avail bus for particular months then user can manage easily from here.
- Press OK button to apply.
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